The homelessness crisis is growing. Last year, over 44,000 people in New South Wales and 54,000 people in Victoria were on the waiting list for public housing. COVID-19, rising rent and unemployment have had a devastating impact on thousands of Australians.
This is a huge problem. At Eva, we believe everyone deserves a home they can call their own. A comfortable night’s sleep is something everybody deserves. So we’ve always done what we can to help those affected by homelessness. One charity that’s helped us do just that is Streetsmart.
Streetsmart is a Melbourne-based non-profit charity dedicated to helping Australians experiencing homelessness. Streetsmart raises funds for community grants that provide homelessness support across Australia.
“With continuing under-investment in social and affordable housing, finding secure and safe accommodation is incredibly difficult, particularly for Australians already living on the margins.” - Streetsmart
Streetsmart’s Making-a-Home initiative provides grants to programs such as Anchor, providing transitional housing for those who are homeless, and helping them to find sustainable and long term homes.
Photo courtesy of Streetsmart. These numbers are reflective of the entirety of funds raised from the Making-a-Home initiative.
Across 2021 and 2022, Eva donated a total of $80,000 from our mattress sales to the Making-a-Home initiative, contributing to the efforts to house 212 people into assisted living.
These funds also go towards everyday essentials for people once they are moved into their homes - things such as a fridge, sofa, bed, clean sheets and furniture. These are vital to making transitional housing feel like home and to empower people to have a proper start in their journey out of homelessness and create a life they deserve.
We want to thank everyone who bought an Eva mattress and helped make this a reality. We’re both thrilled and honoured to have been a part of the Making-a-Home program, and we couldn’t have done it without you all.
But, unfortunately the homelessness crisis has been exacerbated by recent events such as flooding in NSW and Queensland. Winter is also a particularly challenging time of year for those experiencing homelessness, as the challenge of low temperatures and isolation makes it even more dangerous. More funds are required for winter clothes, shelter, hot food and a warm bed. So, if you’re considering a donation, now is the best time to make one.
You can donate to Streetsmart by clicking here
You can choose to donate to either the Making-a-Home program, where a $250 donation will go towards providing a person with essential white goods for their transitional home, $125 will go towards their household items and a $30 donation will help buy kitchenware.
You can also donate to SmartMeals, “[providing] ready-made meals to vulnerable people, made by food based social enterprises”. And you can donate to Streetsmart’s Flood Relief program to help those affected by the recent floods that devastated NSW and Queensland.
Your donation will be tax-deductible.
We applaud Streetsmart for their incredible work, and we’re glad to contribute to helping more people who experience homelessness. Everyone deserves somewhere warm, safe and, most importantly, their own. Everyone deserves a home.